Our fall Annual General Meeting will be held virtually November 27, 2024 from 1900-2030h as per notice provided in the October 2024 AUNP Newsletter. We recognize our last Annual General Meeting was in February 2024. The AUNP Board of Directors approved AUNP fiscal year as September 30, which has some financial advantages. Forthgoing, AUNP AGMs will be held annually in the late fall. The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting and election information is included below.
Annual General Meeting - Agenda
- Welcome
- Notice of Meeting
- Introduction of current Board of Directors
- Standing Rules and Voting Procedure
- Approval of Minutes
- President's Report
- Treasurer's and Auditor's Report
- Bargaining Report
- Executive Director Report
- Governance Committee Report
- Communications Committee Report
- Elections Committee Report and voting
- Open Forum
- Presentation of the Board
I would like to take this opportunity to provide further details on AGM Elections to the AUNP Board of Directors, as there will be voting during the AGM on nominations to fill the following positions:
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Calgary Zone Representative
- South Zone Representative
Nominations/Elections Process
Nominations for Board roles (see Board role descriptions below) can be submitted by any AUNP Regular Member. There will also be opportunity to express interest in joining AUNP Board Committees which provide a formal advisory role to the Board on a number of issues and priorities.
Nominations for Board roles must be submitted in writing by email to [email protected]. The nomination must include:
- The name of the NP member
- The Board role for which they are being nominated/self-nominating
- A brief summary of the NP’s work experience in the past 5 years
- The qualifications that the NP believes they would bring to the Board position
- The name and contact email of three (3) other AUNP Regular Member who supports your nomination. AUNP’s election committee may reach out to all individuals to confirm their support.
Nominations must be received by November 8th, 2024. A nomination slate for each position will be prepared, including a summary of the nominees’ qualifications, and distributed 2 weeks prior to the AGM for review.
- If a Board role has only a single nominee, they will be acclaimed 2 weeks prior to the AGM and announced at the AGM.
- If a Board role has more than one nominee, there will be an online poll during the AGM to select an NP for the Board role.
- If there are no nominees for a specific Board role, there will be an opportunity during the AGM for regular AUNP members to be nominated from the floor. At that time, they will be asked to describe their work experience and the qualifications that they would bring to the Board position to the members present prior to a vote.
Available positions:
Vice President – 1.5 – 2 hour meeting monthly, average of 10 hours in addition to monthly meeting.
The Vice-President shall:
- preside at and chair all meetings of the Board where the President is unable to do so due to absence, illness, disability, death, resignation, vacancy, or where the Board resolves that another member of the Board shall serve as chair;
- preside at and chair all meetings of the Elections Committee and the Discipline Committee;
- assume any or all of the duties of the Present in the event that the President is unable to complete those duties; and
- be responsible for establishing and maintaining the flow of communication between the Union and its members, and between the Union and other organizations.
Secretary – 1.5 – 2 hour meeting monthly, average of 5 hours in addition to monthly meeting
The Secretary shall:
- preside at and chair all meetings of the Governance Committee;
- ensure that all documents, correspondence, and other records of the Union are kept and maintained, including an accurate and updated record of the membership of the Union;
- take or oversee the taking of full and accurate minutes of all meetings of the Board and of the Union;
- ensure that a full and accurate record of the proceedings for each and every meeting of the Board and of the Union is kept and maintained; and
- distribute copies of the meeting agenda and the previous meeting minutes for each and every meeting of the Board and of the Union in advance of any and all such meetings.
General Members of the Board – 1.5 – 2 hour meeting monthly, average of 2 hours in addition to monthly meeting (South Zone and Calgary Zone District Representative positions are available for the 2024 election)
District Representatives – Each District Representative shall serve on at least one committee of the Union and shall carry out generally the objectives of the Board and of the Union.
Any regular member in good standing is eligible to be nominated and to be elected as a District Representative, excepting that any such nominee:
- must be employed in their representative district in a bargaining unit for which the Union is the bargaining agent, or for which the nominee would be eligible to be included in an application for certification on behalf of the Union; and
- cannot represent more than one representative district at any given time.
Next Steps
- Submit nominations for available board positions with deadline for submissions November 8, 2024.
- A link to the meeting will be provided November 13, 2024 and will include a nominations slate at that time as applicable.
- Join us for AUNP AGM November 27, 2024 at 1900h.
Should you have any questions regarding the AUNP AGM or the AUNP AGM Elections process please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected].
I look forward to connecting with you all at the November 2024 Annual General Meeting.
Thanks for your ongoing support of AUNP,
Lesley Lapierre, MN, NP
Vice President
Alberta Union of Nurse Practitioners