Who Are We?
The Alberta Union of Nurse Practitioners (AUNP) is the 5th bargaining unit in Alberta, created under the Health Authorities Act, certified by the Alberta Labour Relations Board and is the exclusive bargaining agent for Nurse Practitioners employed by Alberta Health Services (AHS) and Covenant Health. This includes the future Public Health Agencies (PHAs) representing Acute, Primary, and Continuing Care, as well as Mental Health and Addictions.
The Nurse Practitioner Association of Alberta (NPAA) is the professional association for Nurse Practitioners within the province of Alberta. The NPAA was established in 2004 with a mission to advocate for all NPs and advance NP practice to build a healthier Alberta. The NPAA represents their members, which is open to ALL Nurse Practitioners, student NPs and stakeholders.
What do we do?
AUNP provides robust representation on behalf of NPs employed by Alberta Health Services, Covenant Health, as well as the four newly created Provincial Health Agencies.
- The AUNP is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Provincial collective agreement, including bargaining all terms and conditions of employment including wages, benefits, pensions and all other provisions.
- Entering into provider Affinity programs increasing ancillary membership benefits such as preferred /reduced rates for home, auto and travel insurance.
- Building bridges with other mainstream healthcare Unions in solidarity to collectively protect and expand member NP rights.
- Advocate for the continued expansion of NP practice within AHS and Covenant Health through meetings with decision makers within AHS, Covenant Health, as well as those in Government and at post¬secondary institutions.
Advocates for changes to any barriers affecting NP practice, except for employer relations. Historically this has included; The foundation that formed the AUNP in 2021, obtained a direct reimbursement model from the Alberta government for the novel NP Primary Care Program in 2024.
- Currently working collaboratively with multiple organizations to advocate for legislative changes that will improve the provision of patient care from all NPs in Alberta.
- Provides regular education sessions and provides a forum for a community of practice and organizes a provincial conference to bring the community together.
- Provides public education on the role of NPs through presenting at conferences, webinars, social media and media representation of the NP voice. Promotes the understanding of all NP roles across the healthcare landscape.
- Growing membership benefits, such as decreased cost of practice supports including evidenced-based clinical information, such as “up to date”, PIA supports, EMRs and more.
- Creates alliances with multiple other healthcare associations to improve NP relationships in the interest of team-based care.
- Advocates for the continued expansion and integration of NP practice across all levels of the healthcare system (Government, post-secondary, healthcare agencies), including a voice at federal levels.
The NPAA does not deal with employer relations.
How do we do our work?
Ensure safe and equitable terms and working conditions for NPs
(employed by PHAs), while we strive to always continue to keep the
healthcare of all Albertans in mind.
Our labor relations activities include negotiating NP wages, benefits
and working conditions; partnering with the employers regarding NP
models and practice; advocating for NP practice among stakeholders
including employers, public at large as well as local and provincial
governments. This is further accomplished by building strong
partnerships and understanding with applicable human resources
partners as well as senior labor relations departments within the
employer organizations.
This organization has a 20-year history of effective advocacy to ensure NPs have a seat at government level and professional tables.
We work collaboratively with countless key stakeholders (eg. GoA, CRNA, AHS, Covenant Health, Healthcare agencies, AUNP, NPAC and more), to bring the NP voice to important healthcare tables.
This organization has a 20-year history of effective advocacy to ensure NPs have a seat at government level and professional tables.
NPs employed by AHS, Covenant Health and Recovery AB, as well as the four upcoming newly created Provincial Health Agencies
Variety of options for membership
- Membership PLUS: for any members interested in a higher level of benefits (insurance, business, support, etc.)
- NP Regular
- Student
- Associate - Stakeholders, interprovincial and international NPs