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Committee terms begin at 2-3 years
AUNP Communications Committee
The Communications committee is a standing committee responsible for developing and executing a communication strategy consistent with AUNP vision, mission, values, and priority goals. The committee will administer and manage the content on the AUNP website as well as other electronic and print communications including email, social media, newsletters and negotiation bulletins or updates. The committee will develop and manage policies and protocols for the dissemination of internal and external AUNP related information.
AUNP Finance and Audit Committee
This is a standing AUNP committee will be responsible for monitoring and recommending the operating and capital budget of the AUNP. The committee will make recommendations regarding operating and capital budget, oversee disbursal of funds, oversee, approve, and review necessary financial contracts and agreements to the operations of AUNP and conduct an annual financial review of AUNP operations. The committee will ensure both regular internal and external audits of AUNP financial operations.
AUNP Membership and Advocacy Committee
This is a standing committee of the AUNP responsible for the development of the AUNP membership at large including voting and nonvoting members/groups. The committee will review membership categories, review membership privileges, and develop initiatives for recruitment and incentivize membership. The committee will maintain current associations with external agencies and develop new associations address the needs of AUNP membership and engage in political environment to advance the professional goals of AUNP membership.
AUNP Nominating Committee
This is a standing committee of the AUNP. The committee solicits and presents candidates for elected positions within the AUNP or other offices/roles within the organization. The committee will establish and maintain a processes for: advising the membership of the responsibilities of the position for elections, enable members to identify their interest and eligibility to fill AUNP positions, solicit and vet nominations for positions in accordance with AUNP bylaws and compile a list of nominations for the election process.
AUNP Governance Committee
Monitors the AUNP board compliance with its obligations according to the AUNP constitution and bylaws. The committee may develop recruitment plans and establish job descriptions for AUNP board positions, make recommendations on retention, re-election, or removal/resignation of board members, organize ongoing training for board members, reviews constitutional documents and male recommendations where necessary, monitor board structure and processes and advise regarding potential conflicts of interest and board members.