You June 2022 Update!
June 20, 2022
Hello AUNP Members,
This is a report back to the membership from the Bargaining Committee, to ensure that all members are apprised of the progress in the bargaining process.
The Bargaining Committee has had two days of bargaining thus far, May 31st and June 6th. Prior to bargaining commencing, the Committee submitted a full collective bargaining agreement (CBA) draft to the Employer committee. At this time, as you are aware, the full monetary proposal has not been submitted to the Employer committee. This is because monetary bargaining occurs at the end of the bargaining process.
At the initial day of bargaining, the Employer committee submitted a very brief proposal, mostly focusing on the key components of any CBA. The remainder of the two days thus far were spent in discussion and debate about the first two sections of the AUNP CBA draft. The discussions were very cordial, and most of the early articles have been satisfactorily addressed.
Next steps include bargaining meetings in July (2 days have been set aside) and planning for full resumption of bargaining in September. Summer vacations are somewhat difficult to navigate for a bargaining group numbering 13 or so across AUNP and the employer.
As we have expressed in previous updates, the AUNP Board and the Bargaining Committee are open to your questions and feedback. We encourage you to review the agreement summary via the link that was forwarded to you and provide any feedback that may be helpful to the bargaining team. Thank you for your ongoing support throughout this important process. Please reach out at any time – [email protected], [email protected].
Sincerely, your Bargaining Committee.
Lesley Lapierre, AUNP Vice President, Bargaining Committee Chair
David Froelich, AUNP Labour Advisor
Anne Summach, AUNP President