YOU have a say in the Nurse Practitioner union’s new name!

YOU have a say in the Nurse Practitioner union’s new name!


We’ve listened to Nurse Practitioners across the province, and we’ve heard your message loud and clear: the name of the Nurse Practitioner Association of Alberta – Union (NPAAU) is too similar to the existing name of our sister organization the Nurse Practitioner Association of Alberta (NPAA). The two organizations are certainly very different, so it makes sense to find a new name for our union that’s as distinctive and as unique as our members are!


It’s time to adopt a new name for the Nurse Practitioner union. The Board of the (for-now-still-named) NPAAU will soon hold a special meeting to consider this and other amendments to our Constitution. Meeting details will follow soon and we encourage all members of the union to attend. In the meantime, we’d love to get your feedback and your preferred name options!

Please click on the link below and help us identify your top choices for the union’s new name: