Upcoming PHA Legislation

David --

As you may already be aware, the Health Minister Adriana LaGrange has recently announced that the legislation be tabled today to change the Regional Health Authorities Act to create 4 new Provincial Health Agencies (PHAs) which will be new employers who will oversee services delivered under Primary Care, Acute Care, Continuing Care and the Mental Health and Addictions. 

While we know that Recovery Alberta will be the employer for Mental Health and Addictions, we understand that Alberta Health Services will remain the employer for the Acute Care PHA. All bargaining agents have been notified that this change is not intended to affect the existing collective bargaining agreements in place, as well as there not being any lay-offs and rehiring of existing employees; no decrease in jobs; no decrease in pay or benefits; no enabling of privatization; and no decrease in union representation. 

We encourage all members to read through the announcement for further details: https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=90357B4B4BB3A-EDDE-3EBB-DEE7D4ACF85C6104  

Please continue to reach out to AUNP with any questions or concerns. 


Reminder - there are 2 remaining priority setting town halls. Links are below. 

Calgary Zone - May 29, 1900-2100

Calgary Zone - May 30, 1900-2100



Maryrose (ROSA) Reyes, MN, NP and Rebecca (BECKY) Morrison, MN, NP 
